Manila Ocean Park Adventure, Tara...Let's go...
The Manila Ocean Park is an oceanarium that features various marine life as well as other attractions from insects at Creepy Crawlers, birds at Birds of Prey, astonishing toy collections at Yexel's Museum, relaxation at the Fish Spa, colorful jellies, close encounters with penguins, rays and sharks and extravagant light, water and sounds show at the Symphony. It is located behind the Quirino Grandstand in Rizal Park, Manila and is open from Monday to Sunday 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM. It offers packages at discounted prices and also has a four star hotel called H2O and a variety of restaurants that will take care of your grumbling stomach. Our tour package includes the Oceanarium, Jellies exhibit, Fish Spa, Trails to Antarctica, Yexel's Museum, Sea Lion show and the Symphony Evening show. For more information on promos and prices just visit
a friendly looking fish
at the Jellies exhibit
Trails to Antarctica
my son's favorite superhero at Yexel's Museum
just one of the boys
Toys for the big boys at Yexel's Museum
fish spa
the Sea Lion show
Until my next trip, see you on Tara...Let's go...!!!
That is really nice to hear. thank you for the update and good touristique canadien